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Hello all, We set the benchmark at below the 80% likelihood of passing rate for level of training. For folks with a programming for these "at-risk " trainees, what does the programming look like ? Who runs it? How often ? Do folks get pulled from clinical ...
We started our program by targeting those considered "at risk" for failing boards as compared to national average. We have since expanded to mandating that every resident participate. Truthfully, neither change was welcomed by residents. However, since ...
We require they participate in weekly board prep at <80% predicted pass rate including the interns. IF they are starting that low they have a long catch up that this can help with. Thanks Gina French, MD Kapi'olani Medical Center for ...
Hi All, Our program is experiencing an upcoming change such that our residents on Inpatient will round with our Hospitalists on patients with floor status, then round with our Intensivist for patients with IMU status. The same Intensivist will separately ...
Hello all! Looking forward to seeing you all in Atlanta in a few months! We are going to be presenting a workshop about our (two programs) experience with implementing the new 2025 guidelines this year, and would love to hear from any other programs ...
Please see below regarding a fellowship opportunity for pediatric emergency medicine. Please share with any residents in your program who may have an interest in PEM. We had 1 unfilled fellowship position for this coming year at the University ...
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